The All Heat Exchangers (AHE) team deals with projects that involve the design of a completely new solution, the optimization of an existing one, or the replacement of a failed unit. Typically, the client needs only one unit or a small series of products. Our group of engineers has the experience and knowledge to carry out the entire process agilely.
We start with a cross-sectional analysis of the subject and a complete understanding of the needs of a given application. Then we design the thermal profile based on the most optimal heat transfer technology, followed by a prototype and a broad range of laboratory tests. Supported by the in-house capabilities of the R&D centre, thermal laboratory, and fast prototyping cell, the entire process of delivering the customized solution is carried out quickly.
Strong expertise, broad resources, and a portfolio of clients leading their industries assure that the AHE team can serve the most demanding projects efficiently and reliably.